Silent Contemplations

words hidden beneath the Silence...

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Soul Chat..

Soul 1: Is it really worth waiting for someone you truly love?

Or does the fact that you’re waiting for that person make your love not so true?

Soul 2: Waiting for that person is sensible only when it remains realistic. Or else it is better to move on because otherwise you are delaying the arrival of your true partner.

Soul 1: Well, love cant measure realism and who knows if a true partner would arrive or not? What if the person we want to wait for IS the true partner?

Soul 2: The heart has the habit of sticking on to one thing; the mind has to help it to move on. You never know one might end up finding someone better. But if the person is so sure, he must try expressing his feelings properly before quitting. If still things don’t happen, its sensible to look around.

Soul 1: But the point was the exact opposite of quitting, i.e. waiting. And its not even about the other person. Can someone trust the power of his love to make him believe that his wait Might bear fruit one day?

Soul 2: If the wait for that person doesn’t make someone unhappy, that person should continue waiting, but if it gets painful, he should move out of that person’s life..

Soul 1: What if that someone is happy waiting for his love but at the same time is going through pain?

Soul 2: …..

Please take the place of Soul 2 and complete the chat, if you can..J


soul 2 says:

himani pain relief: kyunki dard mein bhi kuch baat hai;p :D haha! dont kill me! [u know this was heavy for me] lol


haha..was it? ya fir koi jawaab nahi tha?! :p


jawaab tha na....upar vekho;)yeah it was heavy......[mebbe i cudnt relate to it dats y...]


if the person is happy waitin n at the same time goin thru pain..
i think thts PURE LOVE.. wic is soo true.. n unconditional.. coz evn tho thrz pain, u r stil happy 2wait n hope tht ur love wil cm 2u one dy..

i think u'll agree wid me..


so you're saying that the person should wait for his/her love even thru pain??


if love is not reciprocated, waiting can be really painful.. thats how the term "heart bleeds" was probably coined..